"If you have an apple, and I have an apple and we exchange apples then we both still have one apple. If you have an idea, and I have an idea and we exchange ideas then we both have two ideas." George Bernard Shaw

Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Values: Honor

According to the Merriam Webster online dictionary the definition of integrity is:
1: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values :incorruptibility.
I also like definition part three:
: the quality or state of being complete or undivided :completeness.

These definitions also serve to define part of what honor is.  Honor is all about being true to yourself and to your group, whether that group be your family, company, a circle of friends or whatever group you choose.  In each case there are certain rules, whether written down or unwritten rules that are simply known by all those involved.  Its good to have these rules written down so they can be used as a self check to see how you are doing but one should be careful to not focus on the rules in and of themselves or lose sight of the reason that the rules exist-to help each of us be the best person we can be.

I like the third definition of integrity because when you live honorably you are more complete, and able to reach your full potential.  You aren't struggling with yourself and are therefore not divided.

As part of a group I was once asked the question "When you are by yourself are you in good company?"  An honorable person will be able to answer yes.  Such a person is happy with life, because he or she is sure in the knowledge that at the end of the day there will be no regrets.  Always they are doing their very best at whatever task they are set, no matter how mundane it may be.  They are prepared for the storms of life and rather than be stressed and hurried to prevent damage when a sudden storm comes they are able to sleep when it rains.

Do whatever needs to be done so that when you are by yourself you can be in good company.

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