Truth is how things really are. We are constantly searching for truth and coming ever closer to it. Truth doesn't change with time or popular trends. We can try to change it, but in trying to do so we often change ourselves. It is when we try to challenge truth that we learn what it really is and let it help us. Sometimes we find something greater than what we thought was true such as people exploring the world and finding it was round and not flat. Other times we find that the truth is solid and we change ourselves.
Truth can come from many sources-science, religion, philosophy and others. Where it comes from doesn't matter. If it really is true, then it won't conflict with other sources.
Often we have to work with the best option available and then later find a more complete view. It's okay to take small steps to finding truth as long as we don't give up the search before we find the real truth. Once we find truth we can use the knowledge to help us be happier, better people.
As important, if not more so, as searching for truth is dealing in truth. We must seek to be honest in all our dealings with others.
Sometimes I look at the world and think to myself "self, do people know how to think anymore?" This is just a collection of thoughts and musings I have from time to time about anything I can think of. Hopefully it will inspire people to think a little more. If you have any good thoughts share them with anyone and everyone.
"If you have an apple, and I have an apple and we exchange apples then we both still have one apple. If you have an idea, and I have an idea and we exchange ideas then we both have two ideas." George Bernard Shaw
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